Pearl Jewellery

Tips To Take Care Of Pearl Jewellery

Of all the gems in the world, pearls are the only ones created by a living creature. A pearl is formed as a result of a defense mechanism. A mollusk secretes fluid layer by layer to coat a particle of sand that has entered the mollusk and creates a beautiful pearl. Looking at how carefully and beautifully nature has crafted pearls, it becomes our responsibility to take good care of our pearls. Since they are the most delicate of all the gemstones, there is a specific guide to take care of them. In this blog, we share some tips and hacks that can come in handy in taking care of your pearl jewellery.

How And When To Wear Your Precious Pearls

The care regime of pearls starts from the time they leave the jewellery box. Always wear your pearl jewellery after wearing make-up. The harmful chemicals present in hairspray, perfumes, and other cosmetics take away the luster of your pearls over time. It is also necessary to take off your pearl jewellery before anything else. Pearls are so delicate that even household items that are acidic like vinegar, fruit juice, lemons can harm these beauties. Hence, wearing pearls while doing daily chores like bathing, washing, swimming is a strict no-no. 


Guide To Tidying Your Pearls

As mentioned above, how fragile pearls are; it is crucial to clean them regularly to avoid any harm. The best way to clean pearls is with water and mild soap. Keep the water at normal temperature, as very cold or boiling water may lead to damages. You can use a damp cloth dipped in the soap mixture, or you can soak the pearl jewellery in the soap mixture. Soak them only for a few minutes and wipe them dry.


Restringing Your Pearls

You should make a meticulous effort to take your pearl jewellery to a jeweller, so that you can avoid breakage of your pearls from falling off the string. Your jeweller will confirm whether your pearls require to be restringed or not. You can consider restringing your pearls every 2-3 years.



Preserving Your Pearls

Pearl jewellery should be stored with special care. Storing them requires a bed of soft cloth and needs to be tucked in a unique pearl pouch provided by your jeweller or a non-abrasive fabric pouch. Never hang your pearl necklaces in your jewellery drawer, this will lead to loosening of the string and your necklace might not fit well. Little guide to preserve the Perals will take it a long way

Pearls are highly reactive to other metals or gemstones. Store your pearl jewellery separately to save it from being scratched.



Wear Your Pearls Often

With so many protocols to be followed, some may feel better to save the pearls keeping them locked away. Pearls gain luster with use. So do not keep them locked up, as it may lead to pearls getting dehydrated over time, making them look dull. Wear your pearl jewellery to keep it lustrous and beautiful.

Now that you have a detailed guide to pearl care, you are all set to flaunt your pearls forever. Walk into our stores to buy pearl jewellery from our range of exquisite designs


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